May Newsletter: Veterans and Families

Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

Welcome to this edition of the Defence Research Network newsletter, dedicated to the theme of "Veterans and Families." We extend our thanks to committee member Lucy Robinson for leading this theme and coordinating the contributions.

This issue features a series of researcher spotlights focusing on the experiences of service children and young people as well as veteran transitions and cultures. Ranging from researcher bio's to books, reports and research snapshots, the contributions share accompanying articles, publications and contact details should you wish to explore further.

Alongside these spotlights, we present a collection of podcasts that offer in-depth discussions and perspectives on the experiences of military families.

We encourage you to explore the collated events and opportunities section, which details prospective conferences and webinars that will be of interest to our community. These events are excellent opportunities for further learning and networking.

Thank you to all for your valuable contributions. As always, we value your inputs and insights, essential to the success of our network. Please do not hesitate to send us any ideas or submissions for our upcoming themes.

Thank you for reading and we hope you enjoy another fascinating newsletter edition!

Stay cool,

Tegan Watt Harrison
Newsletter Editor
Defence Research Network

See the full newsletter here: Veterans and Families

Visit the Newsletter Catalogue to catch up on all our past issues!