In Conversation with In Conversation With Academics In Conversation With Academics brings you short interviews with senior academics, providing tips and tricks for your research.
In Conversation with In Conversation With Academics In Conversation With Academics brings you short interviews with senior academics, providing tips and tricks for your research.
Newsletter April Newsletter: Living Through Lock Down As the world around us changes, let the DRN newsletter be the one constant in your life...
Newsletter March Newsletter: State (of) Emergency While the world battles with uncertainty and fear, we want our network to know that we are (physically and virtually) here to support each other.
Defence Research Network (DRN): Constitution 1. Name and status The name of the group shall be Defence Research Network (DRN) and has the legal status of an unincorporated association. 2. Aims The DRN is a
Twitter Defence Research Network Twitter Hour DRN Twitter hour will take place on the second Wednesday of every month between 2000-2100 GMT #DefResChat
Hello and Welcome Welcome to the newly launched Defence Research Network website. We aim to keep you up to date with upcoming events and opportunities within defence and security research, and help you to easily network with fellow researchers.
The committee at a glance Learn more about the Defence Research Network committee and how we've changed over the last year.