Photo by Unseen Studio on Unsplash

Hello everyone! I'm delighted to be able to share with you another packed newsletter on the subject of academic publishing. We have pooled our knowledge and are sharing with you all the things we wished we'd found out about earlier or were not confident enough to ask about. It has been a learning process for us all and I think we have all picked up some tips along the way. Thank you to all those who have contributed, from the journal editors, book authors and to you, our network, for all you have contributed to this edition.

And do sign up below for our "Demystifying academic publishing workshop' being hosted by Dr Natalie Jester on Wednesday 28th June from 1000-1200. We are delighted that Natalie has kindly offered to share this with us and look forward to seeing you there.

Take care,

Hannah West
Chair of the Defence Research Network

See the full newsletter here: Academic Publishing

Visit the Newsletter Catalogue to catch up on all our past issues!