LSE Women Peace and Security Forum
All-Party Parliamentary Group on Women, Peace and Security
Women's Library
Wombat: Women in Combat
Women, Peace and Security Chiefs of Defence Network
National Security Girl Squad
Salute Her: Empowering Women Veterans
Women in International Security UK
100 years: Women in the Armed Forces
War and Gender (Joshua Goldstein)
Research on Women in the Military
Black Mambas Anti-Poaching Unit
Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights
Decolonization Resource Collection: Gender and Sexuality
A timeline of women in the Army (National Army Museum)
Women, War and Peace Film Series
Oxford Handbook of Women, Peace and Security
Oxford Handbook of Gender and Conflict
Routledge Handbook of Gender and Security
NATO, Gender and the Military: Women Organising from Within (Wright, Hurley and Ruiz)
Gender, War and Conflict (Sjoberg)
In Plain Sight: Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict
The War On Terrorism, Through The Eyes Of 3 Women At The CIA
Female Fighters: Why Rebel Groups Recruit Women for War
Narrating the Women, Peace and Security Agenda: Logics of Global Governance' (Shepherd, forthcoming)
Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defence Intellectuals (Cohn)
Critically Examining UNSCR 1325 on Women, Peace and Security (Pratt and Richter-Devroe)
Sexual Violence as a Weapon of War?: Perceptions, Prescriptions, Problems in the Congo and Beyond (Eriksson Baaz and Stern)
Rethinking the Women, Peace and Security Agenda through the Lens of Resistance (Ní Aoláin)
‘Doing’ Security as though Humans Matter: A Feminist Perspective on Gender and the Politics of Human Security (Hudson)
New Directions in Women, Peace and Security (Basu, Kirby and Shepherd)
“My Correct Views on Everything”*: Gender and the Sexes in the Armed Forces
Or, what I recommend readers consider as women are integrated across the military enterprise Before diving into the thick of things, I would like to take a moment to celebrate the historic and necessary decision to fully integrate women across the UK armed services. It’s so bloody obvious that women…