Newsletter October Newsletter: Policing and Private Security Companies After enjoying the summer, we are back this October to share thoughts and discussions on 'Policing and Private Security Companies'. We have some reflections on fieldwork, an 'in conversation' piece with Professor Marcos Reis and lots of reading recommendations on our theme.
Newsletter September Newsletter: Qualitative Research This month's focus is on 'Qualitative Research'. We have the latest from the MOD Research Ethics Committee on changes to their publications, some advice on semi-structured interviews, an update on our Counterinsurgency Forum as well as a bunch of recommendations in the form of podcasts and books.
Newsletter July Newsletter: Military Transformation At the end of this July, we are glad to share thoughts and discussions about 'Military Transformation'. We have some reflections on being out and about at face-to-face conferences, an update about our writing group and seminar series, as well as a bunch of new podcasts to listen to.
Newsletter June Newsletter: Finishing a PhD At the end of this June, we are glad to share thoughts and discussions about 'finishing a PhD'. We have some reflections on being out and about at face-to-face conferences, an update about our writing group and seminar series, as well as a bunch of new podcasts to listen to.
Newsletter May Newsletter: Intelligence At the end of this May, we are glad to share thoughts and discussions about 'a matter of intelligence'. We had the opportunity to talk with inspiring researchers, and we also host the first event in our seminar series about the PhD journey!
Newsletter April Newsletter: All Things Maritime This April, in addition to our usual research spotlights and news, we're excited to share reflections on 'all things maritime'. This is the first time we have had a maritime theme and we hope you enjoy what we've learnt from you all.
Newsletter March Newsletter: Welfare of Veterans and Military Families This March, we're reflecting on the theme of the 'welfare of veterans and military families', sharing some researcher spotlights, connecting with research clusters/centres and telling you about what we've learnt at recent conferences.
Newsletter February Newsletter: Defence Engagement This February, we're reflecting on the theme of 'defence engagement', sharing the outputs of our recent AGM and our plans for collaborating this year, and we're on the look out for new committee members!
Newsletter January Newsletter: New Connections This January, we're sharing some of our plans for the DRN this year, we've got some recommendations of things to listen to, what to read and how to work with us for peer-support in submitting panels and roundtables at major conferences.
Newsletter December Newsletter: Remembrance This December, we've got your last-minute Christmas gift-giving covered, we're announcing our essay competition winners, and we're showering you with opportunities for the New Year.
Newsletter November Newsletter: Women, Peace and Security This November we explore equity, feminist peace, women's participation in conflict resolution; gender equality as a conflict prevention mechanism; and women's protection from violence and more within the theme of Women, Peace and Security.
Newsletter October Newsletter: Counter terrorism This October we're talking all things counter terrorism, covering 'extreme misogyny', 'incel terrorism', 'misogynist terrorism', 'gender terrorism', and 'everyday terrorism.
Newsletter August Newsletter: Military Spouses While the summer never truly joined us this year, the DRN newsletter is one thing that will never let you down...
Newsletter July Newsletter: Air & Space Power This June we discussed all things airborne - and for once I don't mean a certain infectious disease... We also celebrate Pride month!
Newsletter June Newsletter: Military Bodies Here comes the sun! To celebrate the (almost) return of Summer and our collective emergence from hibernation, this May we have been discussing the body and its significance in military and defence research.
Newsletter May Newsletter: Military Children To round off April's Month of the Military Child, we have dedicated May's newsletter to the voices of children in military communities.
Newsletter April Newsletter: Conferences As lockdowns begin to ease here in the UK, we can't wait to finally see you in person again at conferences and events alike! This month we focus on conferences: Tips, Tricks, Opportunities, and the Future of Academic Conferences.
Newsletter March Newsletter: Counterinsurgency As we wave goodbye to February, the first few months of 2021 have given us much to reflect on for this month's theme of counterinsurgency...
Newsletter January Newsletter: Memory and Memorialisation This month's theme is memory and memorialisation. We explore how the concept of memory is used within defence and conflict studies, and reflecting on what memorialisation means both individually and collectively.
Newsletter December Newsletter: New Year newsletter, hello 2021! In this months newsletter we're looking back on 2020, and forward to 2021! What will 2021 hold for all things defence and security?
Newsletter November Newsletter: Veterans and Family Health & Wellbeing In this months newsletter we're focussing on veterans and family health and wellbeing, join us in looking back on Remembrance day 2020, and 'Arts in Health' Month.
Newsletter October Newsletter: Ethics It is not Halloween month without a fright, so this month we've been discussing ethics...
Newsletter September Newsletter: Back to School This month's newsletter is dedicated the start of term and welcoming in a new cohort of Masters and PhD students!
Newsletter August Newsletter: Women, Peace & Security In August we're talking about Women, Peace & Security, looking at the concept of the 'frontline' in light of COVID-19. Who earns a place on the 'frontline'?